Saturday 28 July 2012

Work on entrance

 Yesterday Jim Pawson and myself set about laying the entrance way flags. The flags were kindly donated by Maxine Chew. It really sets the lych gate off and provides a firm footing for visitors to the wood once it has opened to the public. Below shows several views of the lych gate following the work being completed and thanks go to Jim for donating his time to undertake this work. (It was the hardest he has worked since he retired from BNFL, Salwick!!)

I am now going to set about sourcing the material for the top layer of the paths. Various materials are being considered for this but obviously needs to be hard wearing but in keeping with the wood. Singleton Dumbreck Trust have generously donated £500 towards the materials for this work to be completed.

The completion of the work coincided with the end of a wedding ceremony who asked if they could take some pictures in the entrance. This was followed by a visit from Reverand Martin Keighley who gave his blessing by having a walk around the wood!