Sunday 11 November 2012

Queens Diamond Jubilee event 11.11.12

As Part of the Queens Diamond event today several families from Singleton and some who's children attend Singleton School gathered at the wood to plant 105 trees which were donated from the Woodland Trust following a successful grant application.

In addition several trees have been planted this weekend that were kindly donated by Maxine Chew on behalf of her Mother, Hannah Miller, to commemorate 25 years since Maxine's Father's death. The trees included rowan, holly and crab apple and so will provide lots of colour and fruit for the wildlife to feed on.

Also spring bulbs that have been donated by Jim Pawson have been planted around the wood so look forward to a great spring display. All these donations are greatly appreciated and will ensure that the wood is enjoyed by generations for the future.

Below follows pictures from today including all the children surrounding the oak tree which was part of the pack of 105 and had been seeded from one of the Royal households. Upon planting the tree we held 2 minutes silence at 11am to commemorate Remembrance Day.

It was a great morning and many thanks to those who gave up their Sunday morning.